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Pocket Guides:

Google Maps of Japan with best locations pinned in

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Japan in My Pocket

169 locations pinned for you on Google Maps


Google Maps of Thailand with best locations pinned in

Click the image to find out more.

thailand in My Pocket

338 locations pinned for you on Google Maps


Google Maps of Porto with best locations pinned in

Click the image to find out more.

84 locations pinned for you on Google Maps

PORTO in My Pocket


You can use any of the maps of the in My Pocket series on any device that supports Google Maps. You also need to have a google account. There are no tricky installation steps, but we will give you the instructions to guarantee a smooth process. As soon as you access it the first time you will see all our pins on your Google Maps and everytime we add 1 or 100 more…boom! You see them instantly!

Los marcadores, descripciones y detalles de esta guía solo están disponibles en inglés.

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